Codestrela Technologies Pvt Ltd

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Mumbai, Pune and Nagpur,
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Search Engine Marketing In Pune

Search Engine Marketing 

Where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an organic and self-occurring online proliferation activities, contrary, Search Engine Marketing Company  is a paid activity with its focus being around branding and instant online sale and lead generation activity for special promotional occasions, events and product selling. In the range of Search Engine Marketing Services (SEM) , the prominent activities at which Colour square has a major role to play and execute is PPC (Pay Per Click) and Display Advertising. PPC offer automatic instant SERP ranking and lead generation in return to bidding fee paid to search engines and other (Pay-Per-Click) networks.

Codestrela is as a Digital Marketing Company  let an online businesses to be at the top position on a search engine after careful bidding and keyword selection. Google ADWORDS and Double Click is a most popular PPC (Pay-Per-Click) programs. Some other popular services provider for PPC include Microsoft AD center and Yahoo Networks.

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