Codestrela Technologies Pvt Ltd

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Mon - Sat 10.30 - 18.30

Mumbai, Pune and Nagpur,
Maharashtra, India.

Cloud Base ERP


Multiple Location or Warehouse
Advanced Product Management
Brands, Category, Sub-Category, Units
Tax & Tax groups (GST, VAT Ready)
Costomize & Print Invoice, Product labels.
Simplified Interface
Many Customization OptionMuch More…

Manage Your business effectively!!

Bussiness Management
Stock Management
Services Management
Purchases & Sales
Interactive Reporting
SMS & Email Notifications
Notifications templates
User Management
Commission Agents
Service – Man
Pay Terms & Payment Alerts
Tax & Tax groups
Category & Sub-Category

Features Analysis

Business Management

1. Multiple Business
2. Multiple Business Locations, Store Fronts, Warehouse
3. Set Currency, Time Zone, Financial Year, Profit Margin, Tax Registration details, and more Options….

Suppliers & Costomers

1. Add Contacts As Suppliers, Customer or Both
2. Pay Terms & Payment Alerts
3. Details Payment Details.
4. Details Purchase & Sell Transaction

Staff, salesperson, cashier

1. Advance User Management Module
2. Permission Roles
3. Commission Agents
4. Assign Business Location(s) to a Role
5. Predefined Roles – Admin & Cashier
6. Add Cashier For Business Location
7. Staff Salary And Expense Management


1. Add, Edit, Delete, View, Print Purchase
2. Purchase Return
3. Credit, Paid & Partially Paid. Multiple Payment Options.
4. Payment Reminders
5. Taxes, Discounts, Shipping Charges
6. Specify Product Lot Number & Expiry
7. Upload Purchase Document
8. Quick add Product in the purchase Screen

Product Management

1. Single & Variable Products
2. Enable/Disable Stock Management
3. Add Brands, Category, Units, Tax Rates, Group Taxes.
4. Products With Expiry Alerts
5. Low Stock Alert & Expiry Alerts
6. Predefined SKU Or Auto Generate SKU
7. IMEI/Serial Number, Lot Number
8. Print Bar-Code & Labels
9. Selling Price Group.
10. Import Product CSV, and much more….

sell & pos terminal

1. Add, Edit, Delete, View, Print
2. Credit, Paid & Partially Paid Sales
3. Sales Return
4. Taxes, Discounts, Shipping Charges
5. Keyboard Shortcuts
6. Improved POS to save time (no page reload, Fully Ajax)
7. Payment Options – Cash, CC, Cheque, Bank Transfer
8. Walk-In or Qck Add Customer
9. Specify Comission Agent.


1. Powerful Reports With Filters & Charts
2. Profit & Loss Report, Purchase & Sell Report, Stock Reports, Trendind Product report, Tax Reports,Expenses Report, Suppliers & Customers Report, Cash Registers Reports, Salesperson Report etc…


1. SMS & Email Notifications
2. Interactive Dashboard With Overall Shop Details And Charts
3. Stock Adjustment, Expense Management, Cash Register
4. Fully Customise invoice Layout, Barcode Settings
5. Supports Barcode Scanner, Thermal Printer (ESC/POS)
6. Translation Ready, Detailed Documentation

Our guarantee

1. Excellent Support (most reply within 24 hrs)
2. Works 100% As In The Demo
3. Complete Documentation
4. Regular Updates, Bug Fixes
5. Improvement & Suggestions Most Welcome
6. Quality Verified